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Do You Need A Rocket Scientist To Lose Weight?

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Every so often… GiGi needs to fast from her celebrity eating ways… That being said, Ray Lehigh decided to take a bite for her! (hey 3rd person!)

Check out his huge stew… On how us ladies (sorry gents, this ain’t targeted to you) can rid our tummies of belly fat and look like… [INSERT FAVORITE CELEBRITY ABS HERE]

Jim Carrey in a woman's bathing suitDon’t be shy Jim… Show up your 12 pack!

When your tummy starts to protrude from your midsection, a lot of problems will start to arise. Your pants will no longer fit, your blouses and shirts will start to look awkward on you.

clothes not fitting right?

Even some jerks, male or female, will start to tease you, causing you to lose confidence in yourself. Aside from this, abdominal obesity has a strong correlation with cardiovascular diseases, so it would be best to take care of the problem as early as possible. Why would you choose to suffer when you can fight those stubborn adipose deposits? Obese patients can get the right treatment. Clementine Fairfax for adolescent girls is a residential eating disorder treatment center. You can visit the place yourself or check out their online page.


The root cause of belly fats is net energy imbalance. This is where an organism consumes more calories than it actually uses or discards. Protein intake within a 24-hour period is inversely related to abdominal fat collection. Estrogen, the ‘female hormone’ actually stops lipase enzymes, which are the enzymes that break down fats and proteins. This is why women fatten up easier than men.

man eating burger, girl pissed

Women, particularly those who are in the age of childbearing, tend to store more fat in parts like the buttocks, hips and breasts. When her sex hormones start to decline as she ages, the distribution of body fat changes as well, which leads to the woman having to carry more body fat in the midsection.

Aside from inherent causes, potbellies are formed because the abdomen is usually the most seldom used part of the body in daily activities. Simply applying spot-reduction will not immediately work because you would need to get rid of the fat deposits in other parts of the body before the fats in your abdomen will get used up.

Workout Routines for Belly Fat Reduction

There will always be methods to get rid of that annoying abdominal obesity. You can lose belly fat by doing daily workout routines and eating a balanced diet.

The most basic and most common routine that women engage in is running. Actress and recording artist, Jennifer Hudson, lost 60 pounds by waking up at 4 am to run for one-hour followed by an hour-long workout in the gym.

Jennifer Hudson before and after

She also did sets of squats, push-ups and sit-ups. Tyra Banks lost 30 pounds in 5 months by running, walking on a treadmill and boxing.

Fat Tyra Banks, Skinny Tyra Banks

Running is an over-all workout routine. Even for just 30 minutes a day (consistently), it can greatly increase the rate of metabolism in a person. Also, since it’s a whole-body exercise, it can develop the tissues in your whole body into muscles. For every additional pound of muscle mass in your body, you can burn up to 35 to 50 additional calories per day. By getting rid of the excess calories everywhere else, your body will eventually start to use up the adipose in your belly, giving you a balanced and well-toned figure.

If you wish to target the abdomen more closely, add belly workouts like sit-ups and squats to your workout routine. By making direct use of your midsection muscles, you can focus the energy consumption in that area. You just have to remember to keep your daily routine as constant as possible so you won’t only lose your belly fats, but you can keep them off forever by altering the metabolic process itself.

About Ray Lehigh:

Ray Lehigh is a health & fitness enthusiast. Through AllWorkoutRoutines.com he strives to help everyone achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. He also seeks to provide access to the information and education they need to do to so.

 GiGi Dubois is Crazy

THIS GIRL… Will be back NEXT WEEK with a video… Blog post… A hologram? 

So tell me…

  • Do you agree with Ray Lehigh?
  • What’s your favorite way to get your heart PUMPING?
  • If calories/nutrition didn’t matter, what food would you shovel in daily?
  • Have you ever been the victim of negative talk about your shape/size? (Did you body slam them for being such A-HOLES?!)
  • What is your exercise frequency? (Hours/Day)
  • Do you avoid any food/food groups? If so, what and why?
  • Have you ever motivated someone to lose weight and/or eat healthy?
  • Do you want to guest blog on GiGi Eats Celebrities? If so, feel free to e-mail me: GiGiEatsCelebrities AT gmail DOT com (don’t need more SPAM!)