This post is sponsored by Atkins
I’m here to help you successfully WING IT this fall…

Because really, who’s FEATHERS don’t get at least a little RUFFLED as the seasons’ change?

And the way in which I am going to help is by advising you to HIT THE SAUCE.

But seriously… It’s basically a requirement to have THE SAUCE at your disposal… For those times when you feel completely FRIED and just want to DIP OUT from reality.

Okay, wait. Let me further clarify before you grab yourself a handle of Jack…

THE SAUCE I am actually talking about…

Now as we all know, alcohol (because I am sure that’s exactly what you were all thinking about initially) has loads of different varieties to cater to specific taste preferences… And to stick with my SAUCE analogy… I am also offering up a variety of flavor-exploding wing/drum condiments to satisfy everyone’s palette.

You’re NOW probably thinking…
“Cool, thanks for offering up THE SAUCE… But what about… Ahem… THE MIXER (i.e. the wings/drums)…?!”

Well… Can I get a DRUM roll, please…

In the latest GiGi Eats… I not only showcase how to GET SAUCY… But I also give you a LEG UP on how to AIR-FRY chicken wings and drums PERFECTLY EVERY TIME!

- 32 oz bag of Chicken Wings/Drums
- Non-stick Cooking Spray
- Air-Fryer Oven

- 1/2 cup Mayonaise
- 1 tsp Garlic, minced
- 1 tsp Lemon Juice
- 2 tbs Unsweetened Coconut Milk, Flax Milk, Hemp Milk, or Almond Milk
- 1 tsp Fresh Dill, minced
- 1 tsp Fresh Chives, minced
- 2 tbsp Fresh Parsley, minced
- 1 tbs unflavored Collagen Powder

- 1/2 cup Butter-Flavored Coconut Oil
- 2 tbs Sugar-Free BBQ Sauce
- 2 tbs Sugar-Free Ketchup
- 1 tbs unflavored Collagen Powder
- As much Hot Sauce as you can handle

- 1/2 Avocado
- 1 – 5.3-ounce container of Unsweetened Coconut Milk Yogurt
- 1 tsp Garlic, minced
- 1 tbs unflavored Collagen Powder
- Salt and Pepper, to taste

- 1/2 cup Butter-Flavored Coconut Oil
- 1 tbs Sugar-Free Ketchup
- 1 tbs Mayonaise
- 1 tsp Erythritol
- 1 tsp Garlic, minced
- 1 tbs unflavored Collagen Powder
- 1/2 tsp Paprika
- As much Hot Sauce as you can handle or Red Pepper Flakes
Now there is something very special about these SANITY SAVING recipes that I wanted to note… They’re ALL completely Atkins approved.

Atkins?! Say what now?! HELLOOOOO BLAST FROM THE PAST!

You all remember Atkins, right?! The meal plan where eating copious amounts of meat and fat and shunning carbohydrate-dense foods like bread, pasta, etc. is extremely encouraged…
Well, what if I told you that… Atkins is… A ketogenic diet. CLUCKIN’ CRAZY… AMIRIGHT?!

Atkins basically laid the keto EGG back in 1972 without even really knowing it!
That being said, the Atkins lifestyle (which is far more than just meat and butter, like one may think) offers a bit more flexibility and diversity than a strict keto diet (that only allowed for roughly 10% of your calorie consumption to come from carbohydrates) because with their Atkins 20 and Atkins 40 plans… You are allowed to eat from all the food groups (emphasizing optimal protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich foods) yet you still have the ability to achieve ketosis (a metabolic state that those on the keto diet strive to achieve)!

Now if you have absolutely no idea WHAT ketosis is… It is the state in which your body burns FAT FOR FUEL… Not sugar (i.e. carbohydrates).
- Aid in weight loss
- Aid in heart health
- Reduce your risk of cancer
- Help treat or prevent conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
- Lower blood sugar and insulin levels
- Treat epilepsy
- Increase levels of GOOD cholesterol
- Decrease inflammation which in turn can help improve acne, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, IBS, pain, etc.
- Raise energy levels, improves mood, reduces anxiety and stress levels which you can now handle using CBD oil supplements
- Increase fertility in women
- Aid in digestive issues
- Keep you satiated, thus, in turn, you may no longer crave sugary foods

This may sound way too good to be true… But it’s not and Atkins provides free tools, meal plans, shopping lists, a nutritionist-moderated community, and resources to make living a sustainable low carb lifestyle possible.
Well, would you look at that list of benefits…
It really does seem like HITTING THE SAUCE is the best advice I could give you in order to fend off any ruffled feathers that changing seasons may bring!

- Out of the four wing sauces… Which one would you try first and why?
- FLATS or DRUMS… Which do you prefer?
- Did you know that The Atkins Lifestyle is actually ketogenic?
- When you think of Atkins, what’s the first thing that comes to mind and why?
- Does your routine/schedule drastically change in the fall?