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Raiding My Pantry Blindfolded

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Dun dun dada… Dun dun dada… Dun dun dada… Dun dun dada… Dun dun dada… Dun dun dada… Doo de doo… Doo de doo doo de… Doo de do… Doo de.

mission impossible tom cruise

When I was filming my latest YouTube video… This melody was dancing through my head (but not like an annoying TikTok song, DON’T WORRY) because… I was on a MISSION.

kim possible on a mission

A MISSION to create a delicious recipe out of five ingredients I selected from my pantry with A BLINDFOLD ON!

putting a blindfold on

You see, I have been taking part in OPERATION EAT ALL THE FREEZER FOOD since this stay-at-home order was put in place (in case you’re curious… I’ve been doing… A mediocre job, at best) but I have been completely NEGLECTING my pantries (PANTRIES… NOT PANTIES like I am sure some of you may have read that word)… That is, UNTIL NOW.

dont ignore baby

However, instead of just diving into the cupboards and selecting items I am comfortable combining, I thought I would MIX THINGS UP A BIT (literally and figuratively) by selecting food products with a blindfold on… Cause I mean, quarantine can be pretty monotonous at times… And I wanted to galvanize the new norm.

And speaking of the norm… I actually had a FORKING BLAST doing this… That I may even make it a new norm for future YouTube videos!


Now when you watch this… Shit show?… It might be tempting to cover your eyes at times because well, you will have to see, but don’t… Because I would love to hear what YOU would make with the products I randomly picked!


  • How have you been JAZZING UP your time at home?
  • Have you been on a mission to eat all the foods in your freezer and pantries that have been there for…. YEARS?
  • What’s been your favorite creation you’ve made thus far during quarantine?
  • How old is the food that’s been sitting in your freezer the longest? I have something in mine from… 2012.