Albino Broccoli, also known as Cauliflower, is quite the highly sought after, award-winning “actor”. cauliflower ice cream

Have you noticed?
I mean, check out its list of credits (in no particular order), if you haven’t noticed it’s extreme popularity.
- Pizza Crust
- Rice (fried, sushi, paella, etc)
- Bagels
- Bread
- Macaroni
- Popcorn
- Hummus
- Tortillas
- Beach Front Vacation Home in Bora Bora
- Cream Sauce
- Tater Tots
- Gnocchi
- Tabbouleh
- Nachos
- Pie
- Potatoes
And then, of course, Cauliflower alone is highly praised as well. Why Cauliflower has not broken the Internet yet, is BEYOND ME.

Ohhhh, wait. No, it’s not…
The reason it hasn’t is because ICE CREAM has yet to be a role cauliflower has taken on…
That is… Until NOW.

Well, I really hope your Internet works long enough for you to screenshot the below recipe and watch the video where…

A “movie” about how a vegetable is trying to fit into a new crowd.

Let’s not disregard the supporting characters in this new “film”… coconut milk, erythritol, and collagen powders.

Oh, and but of course, you CANNOT forget the producers of the “flick” either… Yours truly and my friend Cici!

Some may find this “feature” to be of the screwball comedy film genre, while others may see it as pure science fiction… However, Cici and I have classified this “picture” as a comedic adventure with a suspenseful twist.

To make your own assessment of said genre… You’ll probably have to just watch Cauliflower star in its latest role… And then share this recipe with everyone you know because… That is how you help this STAR break the Internet.
- 1 – 10 ounces bag of Frozen Cauliflower
- 1 – 15 ounce can of Lite Coconut Milk
- 1 scoop of Collagen Powder (if vegan, find a vegan collagen powder, like this)
- 1/2 scoop Sugar-Free Protein Powder of Choice (we used Primal Kitchen’s Vanilla-Coconut Collagen Protein)
- 1/3 cup Erythritol
- 1 – 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
- Sugar-Free Sprinkles, Sugar-Free Chocolate Chips, Diced Up Fruit, Cocoa Powder, Cinnamon, Peppermint, etc. (all optional)

To “churn” (although this is a no-churn recipe) out the flower… You’ll have to watch the video that’s “caul-ing” your name!
- What’s the weirdest place cauliflower has shown up in your life?
- Would you try cauliflower ice cream?
- What’s your favorite ice cream topping?
- Have you seen any good movies lately (aside from this one about Cauliflower, of course)?
- If you made this recipe, what flavor would you make it?
- Are you following CiCi on Instagram, cause you SHOULD!
- Does this recipe entice you to buy my new book, SHE DOES KETO, where you can find 116 original recipes by yours truly?!