Five. Four. Three. Two. One…

Did the annoying pop up on the right side of my website just appear?

You know, the one screaming at you to DEVOUR MY CHOCOLATE?!

It may also tout the fact that I wrote a book about the keto diet, just sayin’.
There it is… It just popped up now, right?

Sorry, not sorry to bombard all of you with that salesy pop-up BUT I happen to be proud of my Double Crunch Vegan Milk creation in collaboration with The Good Chocolate. It truly is a one-of-a-kind sugar-free, dairy-free (vegan), nut-free, and soy-free chocolate that has some surprising POPS of flavor studded throughout it.

It’s seriously FORKING GOOD.

Okay. End sales pitch… Onto why my blog post today is titled as such.
Welp. Er. Um. Eh.

I may have done something that might have some people thinking I am pregnant again.

I took some of The Good Chocolate’s chocolate (they sent me HUGE hunks to use for BAKING… Not necessarily for what I created, ha!), melted it down and… Combined it with…


The reason why I did this is because… Well, no, as I said, THIS IS NOT A PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT.

When I was talking to one of the owners of The Good Chocolate in the preliminary stages of creating the Double Crunch Vegan Milk, I mentioned that we make a Salmon Chocolate (because I am known as “the salmon queen” as you all may recall from my previous post and on Instagram)…

Hey now, before you think “barf!” realize that there are chocolate bars being sold that are “cheese and chips” and “pizza” flavored… So why not try a salmon flavor… Am I right?

Well, The Good Chocolate thought I was… WRONG, ha! Hence why the pop-up to the right of my website isn’t screaming at you about the first-ever salmon chocolate bar.

Anywho… Even though this creation never happened for the masses… I never stopped thinking about… Well, WHAT IF?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why… You will be watching me make and eat chocolate-covered salmon in my latest YouTube video…
Sorry. Not sorry? Or maybe I am sorry?
- Would you try the salmon/chocolate combo out?
- Have you sunk your teeth into the Double Crunch Vegan Milk Chocolate Bar yet?
- If you have ever been pregnant, did you have weird pregnancy cravings?
- What weird chocolate flavors have you seen and would you be willing to try?
- Want more deets on why and how The Good Chocolate and I created the Double Crunch Vegan Milk? Then WATCH my friend Krysten’s interview with them!