Don’t you dare even TRY TO deny the fact that…
You’re CHOMPING at the BIT because you’re OVERLY EXCITED about what I am going to disclose to you today…
Okay… Lemme quit flattering myself because perhaps you’re really just PUMPED… Thanks to the fact that a few days off from work are JUST around the corner!
You most likely STUMBLED upon the latest GiGi Eats as you were…
Daydreaming about festive sugar cookies dancing their way into your mouth…Looking at my holiday gift guide because THAT person is still driving you APE SHIT by not giving you any ideas….Watching a dog dressed up like a unicorn hump cats on YouTube…Googling how to secretly spike Aunt Alice’s drink at your family holiday party so she passes out and doesn’t get a chance to ask if you’re pregnant AGAIN…- Working… Oh yes. Working.
Well instead of ruining your teeth by grinding them on the metal part of a horse’s bridle… Unless you want to make a cosmetic dentist QUITE HAPPY this holiday season (Cha-Ching)… I am going to give you something ELSE to CHOMP on…
You may now be thinking that I am recommending you bite down on a new pair of dentures… Am I writing a sponsored post for veneers…?
Alas NO… I want you to keep your current grinders readily available for the CHOMPS I AM actually talking about: 100% grass-fed beef snack sticks that are also 100% gluten and MSG-free as well as paleo diet friendly!
In fact, I do believe CHOMPS stands for…
- COWS (are)
- OVER (this)
Hmmm, well, maybe I ACTUALLY made that up… But I give CHOMPS full permission to start using that ACRONYM.
Any who… That’s not the point, what I want to focus on is the last word in the brilliant acronym: sustenance.
Notice that I didn’t use the word SNACK… Sure, Chomps Beef Snack Sticks are friggin’ booty-saving when you’re…
- Stuck on the 12th hole of a golf course on Kiawah Island, South Carolina with a dude who won’t stop swatting balls even if he broke both of his legs and five tornados were headed our way… Excuse: the wind is in my favor right now!
- Waiting on the tarmac, thanks to the “snowstorm of the century”, wedged into the middle seat of row 35 on Spirit Airlines, for four plus hours, while trying to get to your holiday destination… Ugh: Should have paid the $20 for the “Big Front Seat”.
- Getting the “EAT ME” eyes from the “oh so succulent” Honey Sesame Chicken over at Panda Express in the Food Court of the mega-mall you actually HAD TO set foot in because FOR ONCE IN YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE… Amazon
let you down. Humph: Uncle Jeffery BETTER like this T-Rex Garden Gnome Massacre
But… Have you ever considered using these whiz-bangingly satisfying LIFE SAVERS as the Chris Hemsworth (starring ingredient, if you didn’t catch that reference) in actual recipes?!
That’s right… They can certainly be utilized as more than just a way to keep you out of jail when your FUNGRY is on the loose!
The ingenious peeps over at the website Paleo Hacks… Chomped on some CHOMPS and came up with some unique recipe ideas… And I decided to CHOMP DOWN on three renditions of them in the latest GiGi Eats…
Finally, you can stop your bit chomping and TRULY CHOMP…
Sautéed Brussels Sprouts
- 14 Brussels Sprouts
, cleaned and quartered
- 1 Tbs Olive Oil
- 2 Sticks Original Chomps
, diced
- 1/2 Tsp Salt
- 1/2 Tsp Pepper
- 3/4 Tsp Garlic Powder
Sprout these in your mouth…
- Pour olive oil into pan over medium-high heat.
- Add quartered Brussels Sprouts and let cook for about 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally (you can add some water to let them steam a little bit as well if you’d like). Cover your sprouts when not stirring.
- Add diced Chomps, salt, pepper and garlic powder, and stir. Then cover your combo and let cook for another few minutes, depending on how cooked you like your Brussels!
- Try your best not to eat them out of the pan, but it may be hard to do… So go for it, I’m not judging you!
Rainbow Scrambled Eggs
- 3 Omega-3 Enriched Eggs
- 3 Tomatoes, I used one red, one orange and one yellow
- 1 bunch (about 1 1/2 cups) Raw Spinach
- 1 Tbs Olive Oil
- 2 Sticks Original Chomps, diced
- 1/4 Tsp Salt
- 1/4 Tsp Pepper
- 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
It’s scrambling time...
- Pour olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat.
- Add tomatoes, let cook for a minute.
- Add spinach, let cook for another minute or two, stirring occasionally.
- Crack eggs into the pan, sprinkle in diced Chomps, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder and stir.
- Cook for another 5 – 6 minutes, until eggs are cooked.
- Chomp on down… Out of the pan if you wish!
Virgin Bloody Mary
- 15 Oz No Sugar Added, Tomato Sauce
- 1 Stick Jalapeño Chomps, diced
- 1 Tbs Lemon Juice
- 1 – 1 1/2 Tbs Grated Horseradish Root
- 1/3 Cup No Sugar Worcestershire Sauce
- 1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1/2 Tsp Paprika
- 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
- 1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
- 1/4 Tsp Salt
- 1 Stick Original Chomps, whole as a garnish/stir
Get your MARY on…
- Combine all ingredients together and stir (or if you’re using a mason jar… Shake!)
- Optional: add alcohol…
- Well that was easy!
- What’s your favorite on the go snack?
- Do you pay attention the beef labels (i.e. grass-fed/finished?)
- How would you incorporate Chomps Beef Snack Sticks into a recipe?
- What’s the weirdest meat you’ve ever tried?
- Tell me a time where you were so hungry, you could have eaten your hand…
The last time I could have eaten my hand… I kept myself occupied by being a CHOMPS photographer on the golf course…
And this dude… Was so jealous of my beefy fuel!
PS: I have another blog post/video coming later this week!! STAY TUNED!