My life is pretty much a chaotic MESS right now… Hence why I haven’t been blogging much at all these days… And here’s why.
- My family and I moved to Colorado about 4 months ago and we are trying to get settled.
- Since moving to this new state we have had house project after house project after house project with new and different people coming in and out on the daily. And let’s just say, these house projects have NOT been small.
- As of current, our kitchen is in complete disarray because it was 100% gutted (three weeks ago) and now it’s being put back together (stay tuned!).
- I found out I am pregnant at the beginning of January. It was 100% unplanned and I have been feeling 100% terrible since about six weeks along.
- I have to admit, I am not loving the drastic change of scenery that moving from Los Angeles, CA to Denver, CO has presented to me… Especially since we moved right before the winter months. I am cold, and I am not a fan of the cold. Or… The snow. And yes, before you say anything, I knew winter was NOT going to be pleasant… And this was a huge factor as to why I did not necessarily want to move here in the first place, luckily I got products like CBD cartridge that make me feel less anxious about this.
- Oh and the food in Colorado… It sucks. And considering we don’t have a functional kitchen at this moment in time… We have had to rely on a lot of take-out as of late, with roughly 87% of it being disappointing. If you live in Colorado, help steer me in the GOOD FOOD direction, please!
With all of this going on… One might think… That my diet (which, if you don’t know already is a Ketogenic-esque way of living) would be an absolute TRAIN WRECK… Because of stress (although I haven’t really stressed at all over any of this), baby cravings (I wish I could eat cinnamon buns), not having a kitchen (Grubhub knows us on a first-name basis at this point), etc.

But nope. My diet is one thing in my life that would NEVER get messy. EVER. In fact, I am a HUGE advocate of eating a CLEAN lifestyle… To the point that I actually put together a CLEAN KETO EATING presentation.
In this presentation, I discuss what the Ketogenic diet is, what the different types of this eating regime there are (dirty vs. clean), and give you lots of tips and strategies as to how you yourself can implement cleaner eating and cbn into your lifestyle if you’re trying to do just that. Antioxidants in greens powders help to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from causing harm to your body. Here’s an article you should check if you’re interested: Athletic Greens Review — Price, Flavor and Nutrition Breakdown

Now if you don’t care about living a healthier lifestyle, eating less sugar, and/or fewer carbohydrates… Well, then, I guess you don’t have to watch this video BUT… If you know someone who might be, perhaps you should share this video with them!
By the way… If you watched the video… I mention that I have a cheat sheet for all those who tuned in in regards to which foods are considered CLEAN and which are considered DIRTY on a Ketogenic diet… So as promised… The cheat sheet is below!

- Do you know anything about the Ketogenic diet, if so, what do you know?
- What sort of lifestyle do you live?
- Did you watch my presentation, if so, did you learn anything?
- What significant events are going on in your life right now?
- Have you ever been through a kitchen renovation (or any renovation in general) before? What was it like for you?