I couldn’t help but scratch my head and think, “where are all the rides… INDIANA JONES NEEDS ME!!“…
But Indy was nowhere in site… Instead, all I really saw were restaurants, fudge, ice cream and candy shops, pretzel carts and cotton candy machines.
Luckily I brought a snack with me (because after running around like a three-year-old, I too need some fuel)… Otherwise I would have had to starve all day because if you know me, you KNOW I ain’t touching those EVIL artery enemies!
One of my friends who is trying to eat a bit healthier these days… What can I say, my influence is infectious… Was actually able to find some hummus and crackers, but that was only after we dug through a huge pile of Goofy-shaped marshmallows and lollipops shaped like Donald Duck.
Following our relatively healthy fuel up… We…
Flew through Space Mountain…
Cried a little… (Okay, maybe just me…)
Got a little too excited before Indiana Jones…
And tried… but failed to steal the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs raven.
Of course, we also hung out with Minnie Mouse. By the way, she’s such a little hussy, I mean look at her, her KNICKERS are popping out!
After getting over how much of a floozy Minnie Mouse is, we decided to visit Kashyyyk, the Wookie Planet (no trace of any tarts there)…
Following our epic adventure… Okay, even though we weren’t on sugar highs, we still had PHENOMENAL TIMES…
We decided to blow the popsicle stand for some HEALTHY food…
Japanese of course!
So good, I ordered two! 10 points to whoever can guess WHAT that is!
Going out to Japanese is not complete without sucking down this dead dinosaur!
And if Disneyland had carts selling Unagi… I would NEVER LEAVE! How much are rooms at the Hollywood Tower Hotel?
But even though we were all trying to be incredibly healthy that day… This little Japanese restaurant STOMPED ON OUR GOAL and served us this complimentary treat (times four)…
Let me reiterate… I do not eat this junk… So I pawned this little bowl off on my friend, yes the same one who got the hummus. I guess I can be a bad influence too?
So what’s the point of this post? To let you know that relying on Disneyland (or any amusement park) to supply you with healthy meals and snacks is a complete and utter JOKE! Instead, BRING snacks with you and you will save yourself not just calories but MONEY TOO! I do believe the hummus and crackers was around $7!
For a calorie FREE treat… CHECK THIS OUT:
The Dinosaur Single Ladies Beyonce Sushi Dance! Try to imitate THAT!