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Food Babe? More Like Food Bitch

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Hey babe, you know what’s really uncool? When you completely BLOW ME OFF because you’re “too busy”…

No, no, no, I am not complaining about my “secret Valentine“… I’m actually complaining about another “babe” that most of you may actually know of…


About The Food Babe

Are you ready for a bit of a rant?

You may want to grab some energy-boosting chia seeds… Scratch that, you’ll probably need the fuel of a Thanksgiving FEAST to power through with me.

So raise your hand if you can classify yourself as being EXTREMELY busy?

Obviously I cannot actually see you raising your hand, but I am pretty sure all of you reading this can confirm that you in fact are dreaming of a world where you can simply push a button and robots bust out of your closet, hand you a calorie-free frozen margarita and and supply you with an actually AMAZING massage chair to relax on as they take care of EVERYTHING that was stressing you out only just a minute ago. 

The Jetsons Rosie Robot

Well it seems The Food Babe thinks I live in such a realm because here is what happened…

I have been following The Food Babe for quite some time and I do agree with many of her points including GMOs, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Fast Food to name a few, however, I still had further questions so I thought a one-on-one interview to pick her brain would be fascinating… Not just for me, but for all of you as well!

Beaver Butt The Food Babe

I reached out prior to the new year and her assistant graciously responded saying she would “love to get me in the interview schedule”… Specifically when her new book The Food Babe Way makes its way into stores!

Perfect I thought, I am chin deep in my own crazy shenanigans right now anyways, so the new year it is! [Love my procrastinative thinking]

Hey New Year, thanks for throwing CRAZY my way… But hey, never a dull moment right?

GiGi getting carried by a stranger in a giraffe costume

Because of my constant TORNADO of INSANITY (“busyness”)… I actually completely forgot about The Food Babe, minus reading headlines totally railing into her “food fear monger” ways… Until her assistant emailed me last month asking if I was still up for interviewing her.

Now I always have quite the load on my plate (Ryan, Lindsey, Cameron, Taylor… You know…), yet I still decided to take this interview on, even though it meant I had to make even more time to read 360 pages of The Food Babe‘s new book: The Food Babe Way. [I must admit, I am really NOT much of a book reader – AT ALL]…

The Food Babe Way

When the book finally arrived, I carved out time to read every little word published so as to come up with some thought provoking questions… Because I wanted to expose new information to ALL OF YOU!

Here is what I asked:

  • What would you say to the people who attempt to read your book only to read a chapter and start laughing at the unrealistic approaches you outline…? Green juices, organic foods, filtered water, goji berries, etc. People think these practices are wildly expensive and time consuming.
  • People judge books by their covers and the cover of your book boasts fad diet claims such as: “21 day diet to lose weight”. Obviously you had a say in the cover art, why did you decide with this book façade?
  • This book was published a little while ago, what have you learned between the book being published and now that you would have wanted to add to this book?
  • Chick-Fil-A was your favorite fast food joint, what menu item would you routinely order?
  • If you HAD TO eat at a fast food restaurant, where would you go and what would you order?
  • You cite studies that show adverse affects of specific foods additives/ingredients on animals such as mice and dogs, but animals are different in humans in that we metabolize things differently. How can you be so sure of the claims you’re making?
  • What are your thoughts on mercury/fish and the debate that the amount of selenium in fish cancels out the mercury’s negative affects?
  • I am a fish freak, so tell me what your favorite type is and why?
  • When are you going to convince Whole Foods to ditch the canola oil in their prepared foods? Their labels claim it’s Non-GMO but we still aren’t quite sure where it comes from. What cooking medium should they favor and why?
  • What celebrity would you consider to be high fructose corn syrup and why?
  • Where do you buy your grass-fed/finished meats?
  • What ONE junk food do you wish you could chow down on with no negative repercussions?
  • Nut butters are great, full of healthy fats but a common complaint is that people tend to over eat them. What advice do you have for nut butter portion control?
  • If you and I were to go out for sushi, what would you order?
  • You recommend people eat grapefruit prior to going out to eat, this sounds like a quick fix that might confuse people. They will go ahead and eat a ½ a grapefruit like you recommend and then splurge when they go out to eat because they think the grapefruit will cancel out the negative affects.
  • You mention how going vegan before 6pm is ideal but… I have tried that before and I feel extremely loopy and faint. Why are you classifying this idea along with a few other notions you published in a one-size fits all mentality?
  • Why should people pay attention/listen to/buy your book considering your lack of credibility? I personally agree with a lot of what you say and eat a very healthful and conscious diet but others might think what you’re promoting is unprocessed, grass-fed, free-ranged baloney…
  • What is your favorite recipe in this book?

Sure that’s a lot of questions and some are a bit HARSH… But if I am going to dedicate some time in my own hectic schedule to The Food Babe, I would think she would do the same for me… And I mean, she’s been publicly smacked in the face on multiple occasions so I felt like she could handle some of my aggressive questions.

I EVEN FILMED the Food Pervert and I re-creating one of The Food Babe‘s recipes… Breakfast Burritos to be exact! Check it out below by the way!


After being asked on multiple occasions WHERE MY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS WEREOkay, okay, they’re coming! I finally proudly sent them off and they were cheerfully accepted.

What happened next is what really PISSED ME OFF… I followed up with The Food Babe‘s assistant a few days ago and got this response:

Unfortunately it doesn’t look like Vani is going to be able to complete the interview questions you sent over as the team has very much over committed her. I am sorry we were not able to get them to you in a timely manner. We would still appreciate any support you can give The Food Babe Way though Vani is not going to be able to get her responses to you.
Or in other words… Sorry bitch, The Food Babe is too good for you (and she is basically saying it to all of you reading this as well). 
Vani Hari The Food Babe with Cereal
Essentially I feel like I was virtually flipped the bird. I certainly hope it’s at least a free-ranged, organic bird since I read (and already knew) in The Food Babe Way that conventional chickens are complete and utter shit.


Conventional Chickens
Screw that… Here I come Chick-Fil-A
Chick-Fil-A Cow
Okay, just kidding!
Now I have to reveal that one of my biggest flaws is that I don’t hold grudges… So even though the Food Babe has completely SLIGHTED ME (although, you never know, she may have never even know any of this was going on), by the time I press PUBLISH on this post, I will be completely over it. 
GiGi Dubois Lil Wayne Oops!
However, I don’t think I will ever get over how delicious her breakfast burrito recipe is…
Food Babe Breakfast Burritos

So Tell Me…  

  • How do you feel about THE FOOD BABE? 
  • Would you have been a bit PISSED OFF like me? 
  • What is your biggest pet-peeve? 
  • What celebrity would you consider to be high fructose corn syrup and why?
  • Pick one of the questions I asked THE FOOD BABE (above) and answer it! 
  • Favorite thing to eat for breakfast… GO! Would the Food Babe approve? 
PS: This is very disappointing to me because The Food Babe and I think alike in so many ways. I am more bummed about the way this was all handled than anything else!
The Food Babe Recipe with GiGi Dubois and Tara Redfield Book To Plate