It’s clearly no secret that I haven’t been as frequent with my blog posting as I once was…

Welp, to be perfectly honest, as that is what I always am, the last thing I had time to do, as of late*, is write and publish anything here on, what I used to call, “my baby”.

Yep. This blog used to be my “baby”. I gave this space lots and lots of TLC in the form of… Dedicating loads of time to writing/filming videos, building out backlinks, and publishing content EVERY Tuesday… And I dubbed my publishing days, TASTY TUESDAY. There was even a period of time where I also had time to *GASP* publish bonus content on Thursdays.

After several years of watching my “baby” grow… I met a distractor… My husband, Landon*… Back in 2014. While I continued to publish content on the regular, I began to care a little less about which day I would post content on. It also didn’t help that around the same time, I started to obtain sponsorships/partnerships through different brands, that required me to post on… GASP (again)… A Wednesday, Friday, or wait, even a… Wait for it… Monday!

*Before you even start Landon (because perhaps you’re reading this post?)… I will throw you some credit because when I met you, and throughout the years of knowing you, you’ve helped me take my YouTube videos to a whole new WORLD… I.E. I don’t use my computer and no microphone to film videos anymore, ha!
What Really Changed…
What really changed the frequency of my posting though, was actually a combination of two things… One of which is my son. Yep. That distraction I mentioned earlier (I.E. Landon…) “gifted” me with an even bigger distractor back at the end of 2018. And let me tell you… Parents are NOT kidding when they say kids take up a lot of time. They FORKING DO. Which left me in the conundrum of… Which “baby” of mine comes first? Well, obviously the one that’s currently crawling up my leg seeking attention… Hold on, let me put him down for a nap before I continue.
Ah, much better… Silence! And now that he’s napping… I can focus on other things I need to accomplish… Like finishing my thoughts on why I have been less attentive to baby number, well, two now… And um, taking the deepest and most peaceful nap EVER myself.

Oh man, a nap sounds lovely right now…………………

Oh, HI AGAIN… So you see what I wrote above, yeah I wrote that about four days ago because I actually DID go take a nap. Wow,… It’s pretty clear that there are a lot of things that have taken priority over this blog.

Now as I write this post, I hear a question my husband used to ask me frequently a few years ago in my head…
“How long will you continue blogging?”
I always responded with a defensive, “why would you ask that, blogging is my life, I love it and I will never stop!”… However, I truly believe I now know how to answer his question… Without coming off defensive. And my answer is:
“While I will never stop blogging, ever, because I still love doing it when I have time to do it, I will most likely be posting far less frequently here due to, well, life.”
Now if you want to get ELBOW DEEP in my NEVER A DULL MOMENT life, you can head on over to Instagram and join me on my adventures (we recently made a few huge life changes) because, while I may not be here all that often, I am on Instagram pretty much EVERY WAKING HOUR.
But wait, why am I CONSTANTLY all over Instagram when I just got done saying that I “don’t have time” for my baby…
Instagram Vs. Blogging
Here Are A Few Reasons Why I Prefer Instagram to Blogging

Instagram is an Easier Platform to Work With
- It takes far less brainpower to open the app and just post as you go. Plus, these days I take so many photos using my phone, which makes it far easier to share content with everyone who follows. Granted some thought and effort does go into my “suggestive” feed posts, but my Instagram stories are raw, raunchy, unpolished, and filled with lots of salmon pornography.
Instagram is More Authentic
- I find Instagram to have far more authentic people posting away on their feeds than I do in the blogging world… And this is reason TWO as to why my posting consistency has wavered (nope, I didn’t forget to tell you the second cause for my lack of posts). I have found that the friendships and relationships I have formed with fellow Instagrammers are far more genuine than the ones I have found in the blogging space as of recent. Don’t get me wrong, I started as a blogger. I started blogging way before Instagram even was “a thing”… And I made some AMAZING friends (and some of my very best friends at that) through the blogging space (and you may be reading this right now) but over the last maybe, four years, blogging has changed. I feel like this landscape is no longer genuine. I feel like people who have started blogging are doing it simply because they’ve read stories and articles about people making millions of dollars reviewing products and want to capitalize in the same way (correct me if I am wrong?). What these newer bloggers don’t realize is that it takes a SHIT LOAD OF TIME TO BUILD A BRAND. It took me about five years before I felt confident in my earning potential. No one gets rich off of one blog post about a superfood powder you only sort of liked after you tasted it, yet were told you would be paid ($50?) to share a review about it. If you’re new to the blogging space, please re-read that last sentence. RE-READ IT. Oh and don’t get me started on the weird comments I get on a lot of my blog posts that I typically spend at least 3 – 5 days writing and perfecting. These comments prove to me that while some may appreciate my content, a majority of people are simply here to get backlinks to their own websites.
It’s Easier to Connect With Others On Instagram
- My favorite thing to do is connect with other people. Make them laugh. Make them smile. Encourage them and share my thoughts and opinions (and let me tell you, I do NOT hold back)… And Instagram is a tool that allows me to do that insanely easily. I get open the app, record a video or take a photo, post it instantaneously, and responses to what I am talking about trickle into my DMs. I love talking to other people. I love laughing with other people. And Instagram allows me to do that in a well, I would say snap, but no, Instagram is NOT Snapchat… And that is a platform I am not fond of!

So there you have it. Those two reasons (to reiterate, family life, and lack of authenticity in the blog world these days) are the WHY when the question of “WHY haven’t you been posting every week on your blog” is asked.
Now… Will I stop blogging? No.

Will I blog more along the lines of when I feel like it versus a structured schedule? Yes.

Will I get back into blogging in a more structured format? Who knows.

But what I do know is that I am my own boss here, thus I make the rules. I also know that these last several months have been INSANELY busy for me so perhaps that is REASON THREE as to why I have been more absent HERE. But don’t you worry, you will certainly find out soon enough as to what’s been occupying my time because as I said… I will never stop blogging. I will just be doing it a little less frequently than I used to.

Now if you are saddened by the thought of not reading my blog on a regular basis or miss me (haha)… You are so welcome to come follow my peculiarly crass world on Instagram! I MICRODOT THE CRAP OUT OF MY STORIES.
- Have you missed me?
- If you’re a blogger, what are your thoughts on blogging these days?
- If you’re a blogger, how long have you been blogging and what changes have you noticed?
- Let’s catch up! What’s new with you?
- What’s your favorite social platform and why?
- Have you had any major life changes recently?