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A Souped Up Ending… Part Three (The Final Part) Of Our Safari In Africa

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Nod your head if you’re OFFICIALLY sick AF of reading about and watching YouTube videos dedicated to the Safari I went on in Kenya about a month and a half ago…

stressed out lion gigi eats celebrities

Well, since I can’t actually see you nodding, I’m just going to assume you’re ACTUALLY eagerly “buckling your seat belts,” as if you yourself are in the back seat of the safari truck Landon and I rode around in during our African adventures.

safari truck gigi landon kenya

I certainly hope you brought your binoculars because the ferociously BUMPY TREK through the Masai Mara Game Reserve (in South Western Kenya) CONTINUES… But for only six more minutes.

GiGi EatsCelebrities YouTube Africa

Aw man, now I am wishing I made this video seven minutes long… Because then I would have described it as “seven minutes in heaven”… However, that “game” always wound up being super awkward and uncomfortable, right? I’ve only ever experienced that forced make-out session in movies, and we all know most, if not all, movies are extreme stretches of the truth.

disney zootopia meme

But don’t go thinking the “movies” I have shared with you about Africa are extreme stretches of the truth… Because despite them being insanely Oscar-worthy (I mean, my video editing chops are far better than Jonathan Amos and Paul Machliss’s editing of “Baby Driver”… And while Daniel Kaluuya’s performance in “Get Out” was pretty outstanding… Landon’s real and raw portrayal of someone left broken-hearted after meeting their best friend who’s at the end of his rope was truly touching and captivating… Plus he scores extra points for freestyling)… These “motion pictures” are as real as they come.


And you ALL know I would never mishmash the truth too, right?

gigi the fashion blogger

Although now that I think about it… Something “mishmashed” did happen in PART THREE But before you virtually smack me for it, especially after going off on a tangent about these videos being 100% real… This “mélanged” situation was completely out of my control (thanks, Wellington and Aki), but insanely delicious and so above and beyond flattering… It pretty much left me… SHOCKER: speechless!


Hmm, I think I just did an amazing job rousing your curiosity as to what happened in the last leg of our trip In essence, my description was basically a verbal movie trailer, no?

curious grandma cat

You’re in luck… Because PART THREE has officially “opened in theaters”… And by opened, I mean, uploaded and by theaters I mean, YouTube… And instead of paying $17 for a damn movie ticket… THIS FLICK IS FREE!

Pretty tasty mixture, right? Let’s just call the last installment of our safari: SIX MINUTES IN HEAVEN… The number SEVEN is weird anyway.



  • If you’re a blogger, what’s been the most flattering compliment you’ve ever received regarding your blog?
  • How do you feel about FANNY PACKS?
  • Who do you think won the photography contest: LANDON or DAVID?
  • Would you do a Kicheche Camps Safari if all they made were GIGI EATS CELEBRITIES recipes?
  • Be honest, do you watch The Discovery Channel because of how “inappropriate” animals are?
  • Are you a fan of The Academy Awards?
  • Who’s sad that my Africa Series is over? (PS: I have ONE MORE AFRICA VIDEO COMING... But it’s something you might not expect)

If you missed the first two installments of our African Safari Series… You’re in luck because I have PART ONE and PART TWO, right here!