MOVING (in together) is like a bottomless TROUGH OF SOUP.
Not bowl.

This might excite the CRAP out of all the soup lovers out there but… Before you start doing a hearty chicken soup dance… Just imagine the soup being an MSG-laden green pea stew with all of your least favorite foods pureed into it.

Yep. That’s what moving is like.

A big vat of puke-green soup (i.e. ALL of the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years that just keeps popping out of the woodwork)… That if you do not attend to… Will overflow and pretty much ruin your day… Or days, depending on how fast you can clean it all up. Check out these free fuck sites if your relationship didn’t work out. You may also check out webcam sex here.

Welp, that big tub of soup was a brewin’ in my old apartment a few days ago (i.e. I moved out of my apartment I had been living in and accumulating mountains of crap in… For the past five years)… And oddly enough, my husband LOVED THE FLAVOR OF IT (probably because of the MSG)… Thus he kept on slurping it down… And asking for more.

Of course, I let him at it because…
- I really didn’t want a huge mess ruining my chances of getting my DEPOSIT BACK!
- He doesn’t eat many vegetables, so if he actually fancies something green, HAVE AT IT, BABE!
- I fucking hate peas (and actually don’t really like soup in general) so I certainly wasn’t going to “eat it”.

- I was hesitant about him consuming all that MSG but… HELLO DEPOSIT!
We (ok really just he) had to swallow this massive amount of soup, though because how many married couples do you know live two miles away from one another?

Plus… I do happen to love the man who “takes all the soup I do not want”!
To take the nasty “smell” out of the soup (or in other words, to take the sting out of packing, moving and then unpacking) we decided to bring on this NEW BEGINNING with a comedy sketch about couples moving in together…
CLICK PLAY ON THE VIDEO BELOW and have yourself a chuckle… While I tackle THE LAST BOX.
My husband has his own YouTube channel where you can check out all of his sketches if you’d like!
Speaking of new beginnings…

- When was the last time you moved?
- Did you hire long distance moving services, or did you do it yourself? To take the heavy lifting off of your hands, you may want to hire professional moving companies like Three Movers.
- What advice do you have for me, someone who has LIVED ALONE for 5 years?
- How many items of clothing that you own, do you actually wear?
- Are you more ME or more LANDON in this video?Ā
- Do you still have that ONE BOX that’s still fully packed… That you just don’t feel like unpacking yet?Ā
- When you moved into your new home, did you encounter any issues that required the expertise of a plumber or handyman? Contact this plumber in portland oregon for an excellent service. Homeowners who are in need of seattle plumbing services may contact Gene Johnson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical. For those in Australia, having access to on-call plumbing services Sydney ensures that any urgent plumbing issues can be addressed promptly and professionally.
- Who’s going to miss my old kitchen set?Ā

(Oh but HEY-O… This is a sneak peek at my new kitchen set!)