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Lil Wayne’s Sundae Breakfast, Wink, Wink!

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Paleo Coconut Flour Dark Chocolate Chip Waffles

I ran into Lil Wayne the other day when I wandered into Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles in Hollywood…

Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles

Don’t ask why I was there…

I Literally RAN INTO him though… I knocked the “Obama Special” out of his hands like we were on a basketball court with 2 seconds left on the clock.

GiGi Dubois Lil Wayne Oops!

As I tried to wipe the greasy chicken batter and sticky maple syrup off his brand new $120 plain white T-shirt “designed by” Kanye West…

He just stared at me and said:

Rain on my head, call that brainstorming.”

Uhhh… What in the… I immediately looked outside… Not a cloud in the sky!

(just smog)

But as I looked back at him, we locked gazes and I knew what he meant!

GiGi Dubois Ah Ha

He wanted me to make this food fiasco up to him by making him waffles back at the “GiGi Eats Headquarters” because his idea of cooking =

I threw a coke in the oven, called that baking soda.”

Ok then… If he thinks warm soda mixed with BPA is edible, then my whipping up a [wheat, dairy, gluten, sugar, soy, nut and fruit-free] waffle recipe that I have never made before in my life will probably taste JUST LIKE like a rainbow sprinkle topped cronut deep-fried three times over!

Cronut with Sprinkles

If you want to see the creation I waffled up for Mr. Weezey (and all of you – OF COURSE)… Grab a SMOCK (because it gets messy) and click play!

Sandae Breakfast, Paleo Dark Chocolate Chip Waffles

Paleo Coconut Flour Dark Chocolate Chip Waffles

Get sizzling:

  • Combine all ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
  • Stir and distribute into a pre-heated waffle iron.
  • Close iron and let the waffling begin! Takes roughly 8 to 10 minutes depending on the heat and how much batter you put in there.
  • Don’t do what I did in the video… [BAH HA HA!]
  • Plate crispy- delicious waffles, top with WINK FROZEN DESSERTS (I used Cake Batter) and some sugar-free pancake syrup!

NOW MAKE LOVE TO THESE WAFFLES with or without protection… 


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GiGi Eats Celebrities Paleo Chocolate Chip Waffles

So Tell Me…

  • Tell me about sexiest food experience.
  • What are your thoughts on the chicken and waffle combo?
  • What has been your biggest kitchen fail?
  • Anyone else think Lil Wayne is a lyrical genius?
  • Do you like my theme song?
  • Would you come to my waffle diner? 
  • Food or sex?
  • If you want to see another amazing food video… The Food Pervert is in love with the COCOA! 

Tasty Tuesday Link Up, Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, Workout Wednesday,