GiGi Eats Celebrities is called this for a reason.
And no, the show The Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix is not a spin-off of my blog.
Although… I really wish it were… Cause um, CHAAAA-CHINGGGG!
You see, at one point, erstwhile (first time I ever used that word before, another check on the bucket list), I used to poke fun at all the ridiculous celebrity diet and fitness trends on the market, because um, really?
But now, the “celebrities” I rant and rave about every week… Are the Jennifer Lawerance and the Tom Cruise of the grocery store world.
I guarantee you saw both “types” Chris Pratt at Kroger the last time you went to the store… He was hanging out in the meat department. Shirtless.
Gwyneth Paltrow wasn’t there though because she’s only available at specialty markets.
That being said, my life is still pretty immersed in the celebrity world (i.e. the actual people), thanks to literally living SMACK-DAB in the center of Hollywood. Because of this, I was asked to attend a celebrity gifting suite (where I was interviewed by the stunningly beautiful and extremely well-dressed Jennifer Tapiero) prior to that long ass award show that aired on ABC a few weeks ago.
No, I am not talking about The Bachelor… Although, that mind-numbing waste of time (that I actually was on long enough to shove my fist in my mouth) COULD be compared to an “award show” of sorts… Because the “ladies” are “awarded” another week on network television so as to continue to show off their stupidity if they receive a rose.
But what I’m actually talking about is the annual shindig that occurs late February, early March of every year… The SUPERBOWL of the Hollywood scene… And the worst day of the year for traffic in Hollywood… The Oscars or as some like to call them, The Academy Awards.
Did you see this BLITZ?
While it seems as if EXTREME DIETS are on the “outs” these days (PRAISE all the Kordofan giraffes in the world!)… Starting weeks prior to this ritzy banquet… A lot of actors, actresses and the no-names who pay to walk the red carpet (it happens people), tend to re-adopt the ridiculous diet trends I used to “eat” in order to fit into an INSANELY EXPENSIVE, tight AF Valentino ensemble about as expensive as a slightly used Mercedes-Benz CLA.
However, the only “tight AF” ensembles I throw through my grinders (chow down on) these days… Are the recipes I create here on GiGi Eats Celebrities… Including this weeks mouth-approving configuration (created in my new kitchen set)… Because regardless of what I do or say, a lot of celebrities are going to continue to fall pray to capricious diet or fitness claims when they feel the need to “skinny on down”.
Speaking of skinny… I want to give you “the skinny” about a product I was gifted when shuffling through all the attractive goodies.
Unstick by Daughkun.
I was drawn to this product like a celebrity to a green juice…
Because… Well… You’ll just have to click PLAY (below) to watch what has distracted my attention from Zac Efron** (who can be found nestled next to the potatoes, winter squash and onions at the grocery store).
Crispy Skin Salmon Sandwich
Ingredients Needed:
- 1 large Sockeye Salmon Fillet, I used Seaforth Seafood Sockeye Salmon
- 1 can Artichoke Hearts
, quartered
- 1-pint Cherry Tomatoes, halved
- 2 medium Avocados
, diced
- 2 Tbs The Spanish Tin Mediterranean Spices
- Salt & Pepper, to taste
- Balsamic Vinegar
, optional
- Paleo Mayo
, optional
Equipment Necessary:
- Unstick Oven Roasting Sheet
- Broiling Pan
- Olive Oil Spray
(optional, I didn’t use any because UNSTICK is supposed to get the job done)
Sandwich this recipe together:
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
- If you do not have an Unstick Oven Roasting Sheet, it’s very important that you LUBE UP your salmon before baking, because keeping the skin intact is what makes this recipe work.
- Place oiled up fish on a broiling pan, skin side down first, and bake in the oven for roughly 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes, flip entire fillet, making sure not to ruin the skin, and broil for 5 minutes, to crisp up the skin.
- While fish is cooking, mix together the artichoke hearts, cherry tomatoes, and avocados along with the seasonings.
- After you’ve let the cooked fillet of salmon cool down, cut it into “bread” slices, and then take one piece, place it on your plate, scoop some of the vegetable mixture on top of that piece, and then take the second “slice of bread,” scoop out some of the salmon meat (do not throw it away), leaving the salmon skin un-ripped, and place on top of the vegetable mixture.
- Grab a napkin… Or a bib… Or risk food dropping onto your shirt… And plow your face into this delicious beast!
- What is less painful for you to watch, The Bachelor/Bachelorette or The Oscars/Academy Awards?
- Did you have any clue why GiGi Eats Celebrities is called this?
- Have you ever had a sandwich where MEAT was the bread place-holder?
- What’s your favorite vegetable trio?
- Do you swear by an infomercial type product? If so, what is it?
- How do you like my new kitchen set?!
- Do you ever tuck a napkin in your collar because you know otherwise you’re going to ruin your shirt?