There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Or so the saying goes.

THANKFULLY and LUCKILY I can now say that on my last fishing trip… I hooked me a biggie.

Photo by Cary Pennington
And we all know at this point how much I LOVE fish!
Now this same cliche…
That gives all single men and women a twinge of hope, that they won’t wind up yelling at noisy hoodlums and retiring in Florida alone, as they cast their lines into the sea of others (or endlessly swipe LEFT)…
Could also be used as a metaphor to describe the aisles of supplement stores…

Or simply put…
THERE ARE PLENTY OF PROTEIN POWDERS lining the shelves at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Kroger, Safeway, Sprouts, Albertson’s, Stop & Shop, FoodTown… You get it.

This quote, when describing protein powders, gives all men and women, who want to increase their protein intake, a twinge of hope that maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to cram in an extra 30 to 40 grams, without having to drink chicken smoothies or wolf down blocks of gelatinous tofu.

Although… I happen to like Chicken Smoothies…
But without the equivalent of Plenty Of Fish or Tinder for protein powder… How on earth is one to try and reel in a healthy, yet tasty choice?

Well… As I mentioned earlier… I am INSANELY lucky to have hooked my BIG FISH… And for many reasons.
- …
Okay. I won’t be listing those reasons as I know I will start to get inappropriate.

However, I will tell you that this fish (let’s call him the Giraffish) of mine, well, he can also be used as my guinea pig or in this case, OUR guinea pig because I FORCED him to try an array of protein powders so YOU don’t have to buy another expensive and huge canister of something that tastes like tree bark.
Here are the protein powders we (he) tasted/spit up…
- Eat The Bear
, Chocolate Peanut Butter Whey Protein
- Growing Naturals
, Chocolate Vegan Protein
- Garden Of Life, Raw Organic Meal
, Chocolate Cocoa Vegan Protein
- MuscLean
, Strawberry Milkshake Whey Protein
- Sun Warrior, Warrior Blend
, Vanilla Vegan Protein
- Rootz Paleo Superfood
, Chocolate Banana Nut Protein
- Devotion, Angel Food Cake Whey Protein
- Phood
, Vanilla Vegan Protein
- Amazing Grass,
Chocolate Peanut Butter Vegan Protein
, Cinnamon Bun Vegan Protein
- Vega Essential Shake
, Vanilla Vegan Protein
- Primal Kitchen Primal Fuel
, Vanilla/Coconut Whey Protein
- NuZest
, Vanilla Vegan Protein
- Muscle Milk
, Vanilla Creme Whey Protein which works well with the best legal steroids for bulking

- Have you ever made your significant other do things he/she did not necessarily want to do?
- Have you ever tried any of these protein powders? Thoughts?
- What’s your favorite way to get protein into your face?
- Do you have a fun protein powder recipe you want to share? DO IT!
- As you may know… I got married last week… And I tried my best to include all of you, but if you miss some of what I have posted do check out…
- My walking down the aisle
- My husband’s reaction to me walking down the aisle
- My husband’s RECEPTION SURPRISE that is above and beyond the best thing on the face of the planet (see video below)