I’ve been pretty “vocal” over the course of my blogging years (TEN whopping years to be exact)… About all of the digestive ailments that “plague” me.

No, but seriously, I won the digestive distress LOTTERY!

If only the payout wasn’t HOT AIR…

But instead of me curling up into a ball in my closet and crying about being full of enough gas to fuel 6 Jaguar XF 20d’s (each of these cars can hold 17.4 gallons, just saying)…

I did something about it.

No, I did not open a gas station… Although it’s only a matter of time before someone figures out how to manipulate human flatulence into a vehicle fuel source…

What I did was… Research the best probiotics (a certain type of friendly bacteria necessary for digestion) on the market and then… I started taking them religiously.

It’s crazy to think this was about 17 years ago.

Someone grab me an adult diaper and a walker, boy oh boy, do I feel old.

You see… When I incorporated probiotics into my supplementation regime; to tap back into the lottery synonym… Let’s just say… Instead of winning the JACKPOT that would “fuel” me for a lifetime, my winnings transformed into a lifetime supply of free scratcher tickets. Hey, do you know that you can also go to this situs togel to play the lottery and win cash? Give it a try!

Or in other words… My ailments lessened in intensity immensely. Although, I have to note, that they did not disappear completely (hence the scratcher tickets).

This all being said… I have to admit that this good bacteria is probably one of my oldest and best friends at this point because I can always rely on it to put pep into my step, it always has my back, and it supports me in all of my endeavors.

That’s because probiotics are insanely beneficial for not only alleviating intestinal anguish such as bloating, constipation, pain, gas, diarrhea, you know, all the symptoms that make me (and you) feel super sexy… But they’re also insanely helpful in supporting my (and your) immune system (you know, the body’s defense against infections and disease)!

Oh and guess what?! You can increase the benefits of taking probiotics by focusing on the specific strains of good bacteria in them! For instance… I decided to take my probiotic game to the next level by incorporating Renew Life’s Ultimate Flora Women’s Care into my life. I did this because not only does it do everything I just mentioned, but it also includes a specific probiotic strand, Lactobacillius, a strand that supports vaginal health.

Warning… If talk about “nether regions” makes you squeamish… Welp, buckle up…

Because Lactobacilli are one of the most common bacteria found in the vagina. These bacteria produce lactic acid, which PREVENTS the growth of other harmful bacteria and taking extra Lactobacillus aids in supporting healthy lady parts!

And hey, why wouldn’t I want to cover ALL my bases! Right?

Don’t worry gents, you can incorporate Lactobacillius into your probiotic regime as well though too (and Renew Life has a probiotic made specifically for you) because it may ward off colds and the flu, reduce or even prevent allergy symptoms, and may even reduce cholesterol levels!

So while I may have thrown away my “winning lottery ticket” in the digestive discomfort department thanks to incorporating probiotics into my daily regime… I’m not sad about it AT ALL because I feel like taking this route has actually rewarded me so much more, which is why… I will never stop taking these friendly bacteria!
So who’s going to check out Renew Life Ultimate Flora Women’s Care for themselves?!

So Tell Me…
- Do you take probiotics? If so, have they enhanced your life?
- Have you ever heard of Renew Life Ultimate Flora Women’s Care (or any of their probiotics) before?
- Do you suffer from gastric distress? If so, how do you cope?
- Before reading this post, did you know anything about probiotics?
This post is sponsored by Clorox but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.