THIS GIRL loves ass crack of dawn flights that are PACKED like sardines (mmm… Sardines!)… Which have enough turbulence to make anyone believe the plane is going down… Causing her to basically rip out her middle seat arm rests because her hulk-like arms grip them for DEAR LIFE (like that’s going to do a damn thing)…
All while getting water dumped on her by the clumsy dude sitting in the aisle seat who MUST be an MC for wet t-shirt contests… And also being OBVIOUSLY subtly hit on by the window seat fella who I guess sees wedding rings as “fun challenges”?
How’s that for a TRUTH BOMB?!
Obviously, that confession was written with some light sarcastic undertones**… However, the words “we are starting our descent…” TRULY are the most poetic and heart-warming plane lyrics to ever sound on the loudspeaker… Especially because…
You better believe Will Smith met me at the baggage claim with a bouquet of salmon skin and an ice cold root beer flavored Zevia
when I landed at the Miami International Airport.
No. No, he actually did not. It’s okay though because I already crossed meeting Will Smith off my bucket list (my husband and I played golf with him at a country club here in Los Angeles) and while repeating bucket list items is great, I would much prefer to cross NEW ITEMS off the list… Because, and I say this with ZERO SARCASM… I love crossing things off lists!
Well, it seems The Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne follows me on THE SOCIAL MEDIA (or can read my mind, which I think it more believable after my experience at their hotel) because they somehow knew of my run in with Mr. Smith, thus one-upped that experience by pampering me to no avail (starting the second I booked it off the plane to get away from THAT whole situation as fast as possible) when I was invited to experience this secluded hotel’s “re-imagination”, which includes updated guestrooms and a completely revamped concept for one of the hotel’s signature restaurants.
I did not spend the entire time I was in Key Biscayne lounging in my revamped hotel room and stuffing my face full of crispy brussels sprouts and roast salmon (although let’s be real… I did spend MOST of my time doing that… It is ME after all) at Lightkeepers though… You’ll just have to see in the video I created (with my iPhone, so my apologies for any shakiness) what else LURED ME IN at this Flordia Ritz-Carlton location!
- Who shares the same sentiments about flying?
- What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think: Miami?
- Tell me about one of your favorite hotel experiences you’ve ever had!
- Are you a fan of tennis? When was the last time you played with you racket from Tennisinformation?
- Do you get sunburnt or do you tan?
- Have you ever been wrapped up like a burrito?