Yep, you all caught me… I have been a tiny bit MIA because well, I went to a magic show and the magician called me up on stage and made me disappear…?
Uh, er, well, um, no, because then where on earth would I be writing this right now?
Really, I went on vacation (GASP) and now I am in Chicago for the Global Food Tourism Conference (currently making a video of my excursion, wee!)! That being said… I could NOT, NOT post an update on the blog this week (it felt so weird NOT posting anything last week!!)… So here it is… However, I cannot take credit for the awesome below…
When I cruise down the street in Wolfie, but of course, and see the sign “Welcome to Beverly Hills”… One blogger comes to mind.
This is solely due to the fact that she shares the same name as the “ritzy” city within Los Angeles county. Other than that, the similarities STOP THERE…
Perhaps you know who I am thinking of…
You see… A majority of the women walking around Beverly Hills are the definition of skinny fat. They may strut their stuff in perfectly pressed Versace slacks and a paper-thin yet bank-breaking Dolce & Gabanna blouse, while rockin’ over-sized Gucci shades and a Fendi purse that costs more than your car… As they suck down, I guess at this time of the year, their sugar-saturated, diabetes-enhancing Pumpkin Spice Lattes… Thinking they’re the hottest shit since… Well, not sliced bread considering there are far too many carbs in that… How about… Since the hottest juice bar that popped up on Rodeo Drive last week…
However, the BEVERLEY I am talking about, is a rock-solid, bad ass bitch who could simply walk by in her booty hugging and python accentuating Lululemon gear (she does model for them after all) and close-line all these BASICS without even batting one of her sexy eyelashes.
There’s no better feeling than to be able to life your own body weight! Keep working at it and it’ll come. Also love adding these squat thrusters to my workouts recently. They’re so tough ?? A video posted by Beverley Cheng (@sweatyandfit) on
Beverley is definitely… As Ronda Rousey would put it, NOT A DO NOTHING BITCH. NOPE. She works hard for her perfectly chiseled physique and this week on GiGi Eats Celebrities she’s sharing FOUR tips on how to get MORE out of your workouts…
DROP AND GIVE ME 50 Beverley!!
It is of little surprise…
…That everywhere you look, another workout is promoting it will “Shred Your Abs with 6 Easy Moves,” or teach you how to “Get a 6 Pack in 10 Minutes.” I hate to break it to you, but IT’S LIES, ALL OF IT.
I’m just kidding, it’s not ALL lies. Some of the workouts are actually pretty hard! But just like the word ‘fetch,’ getting a 6 pack in 10 minutes is never going to happen.
If you’re looking to really lean out your mid-section and start seeing definition, doing an abdominal workout at the end of a cardio session is not the way to go about it. Truth be told, I rarely work out my abs. Yesterday I did a HIIT workout, and decided I would finish with a short little core workout as I hadn’t done one in a while. I couldn’t even get through the first set without stopping! Despite this, my abs are more defined then when I WAS doing those ab exercises, almost 3-4 days a week. You may also try sports like archery to help with your fitness journey. You may just need to purchase your own bow scale and other archery equipment and gear.
Since that period of time in my life, I have learnt quite a bit when it comes to working out, and how to get the results that you want to see. These are my top ways to get more out of your workouts, so you can really focus on uncovering those abs and leaning out your mid-section.
1. Perform more ‘core’ lifts in your workouts:
By this I don’t mean to ignore everything I just said above, and do 1,000 sit ups. I mean start SQUATTING. Start doing deadlifts. Learn how to front squat. These exercises are full body, multi-joint exercises, and will target your core (and several other muscles) much more effectively than any ab exercise could. These resistance exercises will build more Fat Free Mass in your body (i.e. MUSCLE), and muscle burns more calories than fat, and boosts your metabolism.
2. Perform abdominal exercises on an unstable surface:
If you choose to not believe me, and still want to go about doing your ab exercises 5 days a week, then change it up and do it on an unstable surface. Sometimes I’ll grab a Swiss ball and perform a 3 sets of 15 reps of sit-ups. The lower on your back the ball sits, the harder the exercise is. You can also use a TRX suspension trainer (hello pikes and push ups!), or a Wobble Board (those wooden boards with a ball underneath). Doing these exercises on an unstable surface is introducing a new movement for your body. Different muscles will have to engage and start firing, which will allow you to get a more powerful workout in, with the same amount of moves.
3. Practice what you’re BAD at:
This one is the least amount of fun, but the most amount of effective (English FTW!). Whatever you consider yourself to be weakest at when it comes to working out, is where you are lacking in strength. The reason you are lacking in strength is because you are lacking in muscle in that area. A lot of females find it hard to do a full push up, a full chin up, and even harder – a pull up. All three of these exercises are extremely important to building a strong core!! A year ago I could barely do 4 chin ups in a row, and about 1 pull up. Now I can do 10-12 chin ups, and 9-10 pull ups in a row. I worked on them every week determined to get better, and you know what? Not only did I get better at them, I also became stronger in both my upper body and my core. Seriously – work on your weakness.
4. Eat HEALTHY: I will not say it. I will NOT say it…
Okay, damnit. Abs are definitely made in the kitchen. Oh GOD I sound like an cliche Instagram fitness quote. But seriously – if you eat a whole lot of processed carbs, drink Starbucks vanilla lattes on the daily, and buy your lunch at work more than twice a week, I can easily figure out where you are going wrong. There is such thing as having a flexible diet and the 80/20 rule, but as soon as you start hitting about 60/40, you’re really not doing your body any favors. I post TONS of recipes of meals that I eat every week, and almost always they have some form of protein, vegetables, and grains in there. Check out the recipes page to find some inspiration. Go buy the ingredients. Make it at home. Bring it to work. Repeat. You will notice a change.
I promise, if you start doing even one or two of the above tips, you will notice a hugeee change! You will become much stronger overall, which will add to your core strength and thus help you to achieving that lean, defined abdominal section that is sometimes so hard to attain. I hope that you liked this article, and if you have any questions when it comes to working out, please don’t hesitate to ask me. In the meantime, check out my workouts page for more ideas 🙂
- What did you make in the kitchen for your abs today?
- Are you an ass, arms or abs person?
- Do you ever get the urge to close-line DO NOTHING bitches?
- What are your thoughts on designer labels and expensive accessories?
- When you think of Beverly Hills, what comes to mind? Have you ever been?
- If Beverley were your trainer, would she kick your ass? SHE DEFINITELY WOULD KICK MINE!!