Weighing in at 1.3 pounds, and 9.2 inches long…
My beautiful 250 paged baby “girl”, She Does Keto, was “born” at 12:01 am PST, June 18th.

And guess what?! She’s extremely healthy and absolutely PERFECT!

(Bias “mother” over here, perhaps?)
To most of you, this news shouldn’t come as a shock… Because as some of you may recall, I came clean about expecting “baby number two” in a blog post I published a few weeks back…
And welp, she HAS OFFICIALLY arrived.

Now before anyone scrolls directly to the comment section of this post to congratulate me on my “new bundle of joy” (I appreciate it but KEEP READING)… IE: actually thinks I gave birth to an ACTUAL HUMAN baby girl.
Let me remind you that…
This NEW BABY I speak of is actually…

That’s right! MY BOOK (you know, that BOX that pops up on your screen after being on my site for about 10 seconds), She Does Keto, IS FINALLY AVAILABLE for purchase at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, on Amazon.com… And I am sure if you just googled “her name”, you may even be able to find “her” elsewhere too!

To convince you to pay attention to that pop-up to the right of your screen… Let me refresh your memory (or just tell you if this is your first time to my blog) as to what “she’s” all about…

She Does Keto is a book all about the ketogenic diet and how this way of eating is specifically beneficial to women. On top of including a bunch of such researched back information, this book also includes a 3-week meal plan, grocery shopping lists to aid in preparing said meals, and 116 ketogenic recipes, some of which include VEGAN/VEGETARIAN recipes… ALCOHOLIC beverages and DESSERTS!

Speaking of desserts. In order to celebrate the BIRTH of She Does Keto… It’s only necessary to celebrate with a TREAT, right?! So that is EXACTLY what I am doing in the latest GiGi Eats Celebrities video below… With two of my SWEETS-LOVING friends, CiCi and Kat!

Who wants a KEY LIME PIE (that’s ketogenic approved and can be made vegan) in their face?!

- 1/3 Cup Coconut Butter
- 1/2 Cup Pancake Mix (I used this keto variety)
- 2 Tbs Keto Hot Breakfast (You can also use 1 Tbs of Psyllium Husk & 1 Tbs Coconut Flour instead)
- 1 Tbs Flax Meal
- 1 Tbs Cinnamon
- 1 Tsp Vanilla
- 1/3 Cup Powdered Erythritol
- 2/3 Cup Water
- 1 Whole Avocado
- 1-5.4 Ounce Can Coconut Cream
- 2 Tbs Lime Juice
- 1/3 Cup Powdered Erythritol
- 1 Scoop Vanilla Collagen (use vegan if you’d like to keep this recipe vegan)
- 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
IF you want a PIECE OF PIE… You’re going to have to watch the video!

- Have you checked out “my girl”, She Does Keto yet?!
- What’s your favorite kind of pie?
- How do you celebrate when you accomplish something BIG?!
- What’s your favorite meal/recipe that you wish were healthier?
- What kind of pie would you like to smash in your face?
- If you got the chance to snag a copy of my book already… And want to share your thoughts… Would you leave a review over on Amazon?!