As you may recall from my last blog update… I am not a reader… So when THE HUNGER GAMES book trilogy popped up from THE CORE a few years ago… I made my own assumption as to what those novels/movies were about.
I honestly thought this menage a trois of books were an in-depth (cause there are three thick-ass books) look at the UNDERCOVER BLUES people tend to get when hunger consumes them… And how he or she can make a QUICK CHANGE to their FEAR, ANXIETY, & DEPRESSION that lack of food typically causes… By solving their hunger crisis through a rousing game of charades.
In my hypothesis, of these books… No teams are formed in this game… Because everyone has to FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHT to get their next meal solo. My guess is that the game tried to teach people independence… Or wanted team players to witness JOE GOULD’S SECRET (what I am assuming is a character’s name in the book)… That he cannot hold his shit together when he’s hangry as fuck.
Now, A LITTLE CHAOS ensues in said game as you can imagine… And more than one FEUD
most likely occurs as well… But as long as everyone acts like IMPOSTERS
of who or what they are trying to act out… They can get an EASY A
… You know, get IN THE SOUP
… Or in other words: eat.
So the rules are that if one of the players guesses the playful GAMBIT of the person who’s turn it is, they win an appetizer-sized portion of food… As does the person “charading”… Say yeah, a typical game of charades. However, this game has people’s hunger at stake… And we all know that hunger can create some BIG TROUBLE
Now the players of the game should not judge a book by its cover (confuse an opponent is an accomplice)… Because THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA… But can also sport Adidas, Lululemon, Nike, The Gap, H&M, Urban Outfitters, etc., etc.
Hey now, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU… I mean, If you’re ravenous right now… And are starting to SPIN
out of control (i.e. turning into satan)… The devil can also wear your Calvin Klein pantsuit, Victoria Secret teddy, booty-hugging Lululemon pants, or Dickies jeans… Right this second!
(Made you look at your outfit, now didn’t I?)
I am the devil in a giraffe robe, in my adaptation of THE HUNGER GAMES… Cause if I am going to come up with an alternative plot for a book, you bet MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN
, I am going to be in it!
And… I’m always in my giraffe robe (or hot dog costumes?)… And eating apparently.
Another character in this book is Stanley Tucci… However, he is not a game-player, I actually SPOTLIGHT him as the game EQUALIZER
and sustenance creator… And for good reason.
Because… The actor… Could teach JULIE & JULIA a thing or two!
In the latest Book To Plate, Stanley Tucci made sure that The Food Pervert & I weren’t showcased as BEAUTY AND THE BEAST(me being THE BEAST as Tara can hold it together when she’s hungry)… By supplying us with an insanely easy recipe that made Pervy and I look like, dare I say it… AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS
? Har Har.
Now let’s make a QUICK CHANGE to your hunger (because I know I got you drooling for some grub) before you BLACKOUT… Click play to watch what hearty recipe Stanley Tucci put into The Food Pervert and my stomach this time around on Book To Plate!
Stanley Tucci’s Chicken Cacciatore
[amd-yrecipe-recipe:1]- Warm the olive oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Pour peppers into the pan and cook, stirring, until slightly softened, and then stir in the mushrooms and let soften as well. Remove vegetables from pan and set aside.
- Add the chicken to the pan, season with salt and pepper and brown lightly on both sides. Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.
- Pour the wine into the pan and then add the onions and garlic and cook until the onions are slightly softened.
- Stir in the tomatoes, crushing them with your spoon as you add them to the pan.
- Return the chicken to the pan and stir everything together.
- Stir the peppers and mushrooms into the chicken and then cover and cook to blend the flavors of these ingredients for about 30-minutes.
- How much do you love Stanley Tucci?
- What’s your favorite Stanley Tucci movie?
- Did you catch on to what I did with this blog post or are you still scratching your head with a WTF expression on your face?
- When you first heard of the books/movies THE HUNGER GAMES… What did you think they were about?
- Do you think babies are the devil?
- What happens when you get HUNGRY/HANGRY/FUNGRY?
- When was the last time you played a ROUSING GAME OF CHARADES?!