In two stomachs… Not too far away… Cookies. Lots of [GiGi-Diet Approved] cookies [all thanks to Andrea’s Protein Cakery**].
These stomachs… Both on the brink of Thanksgiving-feast fullness…
Must continue to digest the copious amounts of sweet biscuits their masters create…
For they are in an epic “COOKIE WAR“ to see who can create the most decoratively and delectable ingenious treat.
During said battle… Leia On These Cookies (apparently my INTIMIDATING battle name) and Emperor Bad Chef (my friend Armen) try to steal each other’s secret cookie decorating schemes in order to win the ultimate… Well, PEEDUNKY, I can’t tell you…
You will just have to watch the latest GiGi Eats in order to find out exactly what happens in these two stomachs… Not too far away.
Something else I cannot tell you about (you have to actually see it for yourself too)? What happens in the latest Star Wars movie [The Force Awakens].
While I did travel to a galaxy far far away (AKA: Downtown Los Angeles – for the press junket and movie screening)…
And high-fived Han Solo… Gave Chewbaca
a piggy-back ride… Ruined Princess Leia
‘s signature hair-do… And made fun of new characters Rey and Fin… Oh and stole… A cute little droid named BB-8
I am not at the liberty to give any spoilers as to what the latest Star Wars flick is ALL ABOUT…
Okay FINE… Here’s a spoiler… Wait for it… Wait for it…
Storm Troopers and Droids
Don’t hate me, but I just couldn’t keep that a secret!
Any who… Get your tail feathers on over to the box office to grab your ticket to Jakku (after you watch the cookie war above, but of course).
So Tell Me…
- Who’s going to see Star Wars, The Force Awakens?
- If you went to the press junket with me, what questions would you have asked the cast of the movie?
- Star Wars Nerds… Test your smarts with this trivia question: Name all the planets Master Yoda sets foot on in the six canonical films.
- Who here is a Harrison Ford
fan? (Fun Fact: I dated one of his sons, way back in the day…)
- If you created a line of bake mixes… What would you call them?
- What are your favorite cookie toppings? (Jody, this question is directed towards you, ha ha)
- What food do you think could have killed Darth Vader?
** If you didn’t see THIS INSTAGRAM POST of mine… Then listen up: Andrea’s Protein Cakery made a line of BAKE MIXES catered specifically to my DIET! How friggin’ RAD IS THAT! In the above video, we used her Chewy Chocolate and Gingerbread Cookie mixes! If you want to get your MOUTH on these… Follow Andrea’s Protein Cakery as she will keep you posted as to when they will be ready to blast into your kitchen!
Oh and you can THANK THE MASTER Because… WHEN Andrea’s Protein Cakery DOES OPEN… You can use the COUPON CODE: GiGiEats20 – to get 20% off!