We tend to waffle over a lot of things…
Such as:
Whether or not we…
- Relate more to Batman, Superman or Spiderman
- Want the soup or salad with the lunch combo at the deli down the street… Screw it, you’re probably going for the French Fries…
- Should chance driving another hour even though the fuel gauge of your car says “I AM STARVING FOR GAS!”
Or even…
- Need the vintage Led Zeppelin T-Shirt that’s being sold on eBay for $10,000.
Trust me: I’m with you… I mean, I really would love to sleep in $10,000 too… However, thanks to my phenomenal willpower, I’ll probably resist that temptation.
That being said, there is in fact something ELSE I have been waffling over for awhile and I have finally… DECIDED.
No… I did not finally figure out if I like binge-watching Friends or How I Met Your Mother more…
I threw all caution to the wind and… Flung some succulently scrumptious ground grass-fed/grass-finished bison meat onto a waffle iron to see what would happen.
Of course I filmed this experience, DUH… So why not see for yourself what exactly happened when I stopped waffling… And got… Waffling?
Oh wait…
You see how I mentioned grass-fed and grass-finished, when describing the bison? Well it’s because THAT TYPE OF BISON YOU PURCHASE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! In fact, grass-fed/finished is extremely important when buying ALL RED MEATS.
Warning: about to get a little “science-y” on you…
There is a stigma about red meat… That it’s going to CLOG YOUR ARTERIES and you’re going to eventually have a HEART ATTACK and DIE, if you eat it.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I am laughing so hard I am actually shedding tears… And whoa, did I just pee my pants a little?
But seriously. That type of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth, especially if you pay attention to the TYPE of red meat you’re buying. If you buy conventionally raised, grain-fed/finished red meats, then yes, you’re not necessarily doing your body that much good (thanks to the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio being about 7:1), other than fueling it with a complete source of protein…
However, if you DO pay attention and purchase 100% grass-fed and grass-finished red meats… Then essentially you’re hugging your heart thanks to the healthy fat this type of meat contains.
Remember the saying, “you are what you eat”? Well… That is so very true.
You see… Grass-fed/finished red meats contain roughly two to five times MORE omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed/finished red meats (bringing the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio to roughly 1.5:1) and hopefully you all know at this point that omega-3 fatty acids are ESSENTIAL fatty acids (in that the body cannot produce them), that help ward off heart disease, among a laundry list of other things!
There is another fat in grass-fed/finished meats that is also extremely beneficial for your health and that’s Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA for short. CLA has been found to be a potent antioxidant and research has shown that CLA may actually protect against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Red Meat is one of the best dietary sources of CLA, and the grass-fed variety contains an average of 2 to 3 times more CLA than grain-fed red meats!
To all the vegans and vegetarians reading this right now… I am certainly NOT implying that your lifestyles are unhealthy, I am simply trying to educate those who DO in fact eat red meat on how they can modify their selection to get the best BANG FOR THEIR BUCK and HEALTH! In fact, I am actually PRAISING your diet, because… Grass is vegan/vegetarian… And that’s where all the healthy fats are coming from in the grass-fed/finished meats!
And with that… I present to you…
Bison Waffles with Egg Yolk “Syrup”
- 1 pound ground Grass-fed/finished Bison Meat (I’m using: THE HONEST BISON)
- 3 tbs Parsley Flakes
- 1/2 tsp Allspice
- 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
- 1/4 tbs Cayenne Pepper
- 1/4 cup White Onion (minced)
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- 2 Eggs*
- Olive Oil Spray
So meaty…
- Mix all ingredients in a bowl (except eggs) as your waffle iron heats up.
- Liberally coat your waffle iron with olive oil spray.
- Moosh meat mixture in waffle iron and close it.
- Let cook for about 3 – 5 minutes depending on how hot your waffle iron gets. You don’t want to over cook the meat, so don’t go do your laundry or vacuum as these waffles cook. You can however make two sunny side up eggs.
- When done, strategically take meat out of iron… Plate them and then place the eggs on top of each waffle. My iron makes TWO JUMBO waffles thus I only needed two eggs, however if your waffle iron makes more, you may need more eggs*.
- Voila! Do thank me for this “geniusness” in the comments below, ha ha!
So tell me…
- What do you tend to “waffle” over?
- What food hacks are you particularly fond of?
- Red meat, yay or nay?
- Do you pay attention to grass-fed vs. grain-fed meats?
- What is the craziest IMPULSE BUY you’ve ever made?
- Have you heard of the Honest Bison?
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