Hey there, puddin’… Thanks for stopping on by.
How ’bout I fix you a drink.
Somethin’ STRONG, perhaps?
Now when I say STRONG, I mean, ALCOHOLIC… Because er, um, HO-LY [HOE-LEE] MACKEREL… This is about to get very interesting.
Ah…. Would you look at that… A Harvey Wallbanger… GOOD CHOICE!
That’ll FORK you up enough to have you DROOLING over the recipe I’m about to PLOP RIGHT ON YOUR PLATE.
But before I dish it out… Lemme just tell you that you can kinda, sorta, okay, TOTALLY…. Blame (or thank?) my friend Vianessa for this one**.
It’s obvious to me at this point that when one of my very best’s moves away from me (to friggin’ EYGPT of all places)… I tend to do even stranger than normal things… And well, “doing” this recipe MAY take the CAKE (although I did make a chicken smoothie before)…
But no, sorry if I just got you salivating over the thought of SPOONING some silky smooth cake if your mouth… Because this recipe ain’t no chocolate cake. It’s much creamier than cake. But it does smell rather fishy.
And THAT would be because the main ingredient is fish.
A pungent fish, I might add.
Now, why don’t you go on and take another generous SWIG of good ol’ Harvey there in front of you, puddin’!
As you can see, I am really trying to fluff you up.
Oh but wait, this recipe will do just that… So I can just quit trying right now.
I knew you’d be “pudding” on your bib and lickin’ your lips for this one…
Readapted from a 1972 Weight Watcher Recipe
- 10 oz Canned (in water) Mackerel
, drained
- 3 small/medium Bell Peppers (red, orange & yellow)
- 2 Whole Eggs
- 1 Tbs Onion Powder
- 2 Tsp Dijon Mustard
- 2 Tsp Garlic Powder
- 1 Tsp Salt
- 1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1 Whole Egg, optional
GO FLUFF YOURSELF… (I.E. You know you want to know how to make this!)
And you may need a lasagna pan because you’re going to want to make EXTRA!
So um, since you had to put up with that… And you’re probably going to have an insanely horrific hangover thanks to throwing back that Harvey Wallbanger… I thought I would make it up to you by hosting a GIVEAWAY for a VAYA TYFFYN LUNCH BOX (you know, those awesome, no-leak, stainless steel fashionable food totes I was telling all of you about last week)!!
- DID YOU get drunk enough to want to try this recipe for yourself?
- Have you ever imbibed on a Harvey Wallbanger before?
- What’s the oldest recipe you have in your recipe Rolodex? Tell me the story behind it!
- How do you deal when one of your best friends moves away from you?
- When was the food processor invented? (You’d know if you watched the video – he he!)
- Did you mistaken me for a 1970s housewife?