If we had it our way… We would live in UTOPIA… A world in which everything is perfect.
Sure, the word PERFECT is a relative term… But in general… I’d hope we’d all want (aside from the above)…
- For someone to invent a bed that makes itself.
- A mute button for THAT person who just won’t STFU!
- That “special” someone in your life to offer up his/her back massage “services” and not ask for anything in return.
- Bottles to not be shaped in a way in which you cannot get the entire contents of the [food, lotion, shampoo] out.
- The Kardashians TO STOP POSTING NAKED PHOTOS OF THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The person, who cuts the line because they have a “quick question,” to get DONKEY PUNCHED.
- For several thousand studies to determine that ALL crispity yet moist cookies, luscious, frosting thick cakes, pillowy soft bagels, and the like, to be deemed HEALTH SUPERSTARS!
(THAT list could go on for… DAYS!)
But since… No such la-la land exists… Would you at least settle for: ZOOTOPIA?
Disney Pixar… Understands our qualms and every year or two tries its best to let us escape our realities… With their utter genius.
Their latest gem… ZOOTOPIA!
While I am pretty sure you’ve all heard about this movie… Thanks to Disney‘s marketing team being on it like a car bonnet…
Just to further ingrain the premise of this movie into ALL of your brains… The animated flick is all about a cute little bunny, named Judy Hopps, joining the police force in the animal metropolis Zootopia and trying to prove that despite her small stature, she can take down a crime of ANY SIZE!
Totally virtually high-fiving Disney Pixar right now… For reminding everyone that short people… Or I guess animals (wait, we are animals…? This just got a little too technical)… Are just as capable as anyone else!
Okay, I will stop blowing smoke up Disney‘s… I’d say ass, but I don’t think Disney has one?
But seriously… Why am I frosting them like one might a carrot cake… I mean, what do I want…? To be hired as a voice actor in one of their next blockbuster hits…
Whoops! The carrot cake cookies I made inspired by the movie Zootopia, went down the wrong pipe… Probably because I was shoveling them in faster than bunnies… Multiply?
Thankfully I had my FOXY FRIEND Kiyra in the kitchen with me this week to help me HOP ONTO ALL of these sugar, dairy & gluten-free cookies!
To see how they’re made… Do the Bunny Hop? I wonder if Nick Wilde would think our cookies are good enough to sell (if you saw the movie already, you’ll know what I mean!)
Zootopia Inspired: CARROT CAKE COOKIES
- 3/4 Cup Coconut Flour
- 1/2 Cup Protein Powder (I used Vanilla NuZest
- 1 – 2 Tbs Pumpkin or Apple Pie Spice
- 5 Tbs Primal Essence Vanilla Sweet Coconut Oil
- 1/2 Cup Erythritol
- 2 Whole Eggs (or flax eggs)
- 4 – 5 Medium Carrots, Grated Fine
- 2 Cups Water
Carrot about how they’re made…
- Preheat your oven to 360 degrees.
- Comine all above ingredients into a bowl and stir together.
- Flatten batter out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Cut bunny shapes with cookie cutters (or try your hand at forming your own bunnies).
- Bake your cookies for roughly 10 – 15 minutes.
- Let cool… And HOP ON EM… With your mouth?
So Tell Me…
- What sorts of things would YOUR Utopia/”perfect world” include? Do you agree with the list I provided above?
- Have you seen the movie Zootopia yet? Thoughts!?
- Who would you DONKEY PUNCH if you could… Right this very second?
- Do you think Disney/Pixar should consider using me as a voice actor in an upcoming animated feature?
- Does your mouth want to marry carrot cake?
- Raw or cooked cake/cookie batter?